Since we first opened our doors nearly 40 years ago, Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill + Bar together with our franchisees have made a commitment to give back to the neighborhoods we live in and serve. Everyday restaurant teams around the country are doing their part to make their communities a little better, and that is even more prevalent in today’s uncertain times.
We’re honored to share one of those Neighborhood Spotlights about Carrie Hellyer, area director for our franchisee, Apple American Group. Carries calls the Central Valley of California home, and is described by her team as a hands-on leader who is strong, compassionate, honest, humble and caring. Her exceptional leadership is only more evident during these unprecedented times, as she makes regular check ins with her team and finds ways to keep everyone safely connected. Carrie has stepped up to help her neighborhood too by coordinating care packages to be distributed to first responders, health care providers, medical facilities, church groups and schools.
Carrie’s enthusiasm and empathy toward her team members, guests and neighborhood is inspiring. She has led her team in raising money for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a non-profit that funds vital childhood cancer research and family support programs. In the past two years alone the teams at her seven restaurants have collectively raised more than $157,280 for our littlest neighbors.
Thank you to Carrie, and the entire Central Valley, California team for Doin’ Good in the Neighborhood.
We welcome you to share more stories of Doin’ Good that are taking place in your neighborhoods. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!